CIT Item

Note that features marked in italics are unique to CIT Resewn.

This page applies to CITs marked with type=item(optional as item is the default type).

CIT Item replaces the appearance of:

  • Items in inventories
  • Items in the hotbar
  • Held Items
  • Items worn in the head slot
  • Items in item frames
  • Dropped items
  • Tossed projectiles(snowball, egg, enderpearl, splash/lingering potions, etc..)

The replacement can either be a json model or a png texture.



The CIT must match the item that has its appearance changed.


The items condition is required for this type. (the CIT can be named after an item in the namespace to add this automatically)


Key                         Value Type        Description Default
texture Texture Asset
Replaces the item's model with one generated by the resolved texture. The parent of the generated model is the model associated with the first item in items. None
model Model Asset
Replaces the item's model with one described by the resolved json. This uses the vanilla model formatting.
Models loaded by this property also gain the ability to load relative assets for textures, parents and overrides by prefixing ./.
When texture is also declared, the texture is used to replace all of the textures in the model loaded by the json.
texture.  sub   Texture Asset
Same as texture but replaces a sub texture instead. Multiple sub textures may be defined. This can be used for both model overrides and layer textures.
For overrides, the sub texture name is the sub model file's name (e.g.bow_pulling_2 for a fully pulled bow).
For layers, the sub texture name is either the layer name (e.g.layer1) or the texture file name (e.g.potion_overlay).
model.  sub   Model Asset
Same as model but replaces a sub model instead. Multiple sub models may be defined. This can be used for model overrides.
The sub model name is the sub model file's name (e.g.bow_pulling_2 for a fully pulled bow).